Description: This dataset was created or modified by the Colorado Geological Survey into this format for use in the Colorado Groundwater Atlas by the following process.Sedimentary basins with the potential for MAR with estimated storage potential by aquifers in the basin. Based on CGS EG-13, Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in Colorado-A Statewide Assessment.This feature class was created in 2019 in ArcGIS for Desktop Version 6.2 (Build 9200) ; Esri ArcGIS are to be considered approximate.
Copyright Text: Topper, R., P. E. Barkmann, D. A. Bird, and M. A. Sares. “EG-13 Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in Colorado – A Statewide Assessment.” Artificial Recharge. Environmental Geology. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 2004.
Description: This shapefile was created for SB06-193 to help characterize the groundwater resources of the Arkansas River basin. The feature in this shapefile represents the extent of the Arkansas River alluvial subregions.This dataset was provided in this format within the Colorado Geological Survey publication ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas. The Colorado Geological Survey did not create this dataset. The dataset has been modified at most by renaming, projecting and/or clipping the data to match other data provided in this product. Metadata is preserved from the originator of the dataset.
Description: This shapefile was created for SB06-193 to help characterize the groundwater resources of the Dakota-Cheyenne aquifer. The feature in this shapefile represents the extent of the Dakota-Cheyenne based on values obtained from Topper et al. 2003. The northern extent of the aquifer was clipped to the line where the depth to top of formation becomes greater than 2,000 feet.This dataset was provided in this format within the Colorado Geological Survey publication ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas. The Colorado Geological Survey did not create this dataset. The dataset has been modified at most by renaming, projecting and/or clipping the data to match other data provided in this product. Metadata is preserved from the originator of the dataset.
Description: This shapefile was created for the South Platte Decision Support System (SPDSS) to help characterize the groundwater resources of the Denver Basin. It was modified for SB06-193 to combine all Denver basin bedrock aquifer extents, and is further divided into subregions.This dataset was provided in this format within the Colorado Geological Survey publication ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas. The Colorado Geological Survey did not create this dataset. The dataset has been modified at most by renaming, projecting and/or clipping the data to match other data provided in this product. Metadata is preserved from the originator of the dataset.
Description: This shapefile was created for the South Platte Decision Support System (SPDSS) to help characterize the groundwater resources of the Denver Basin. It was modified for SB06-193 to combine all Denver basin bedrock aquifer extents, and is further divided into subregions.This dataset was provided in this format within the Colorado Geological Survey publication ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas. The Colorado Geological Survey did not create this dataset. The dataset has been modified at most by renaming, projecting and/or clipping the data to match other data provided in this product. Metadata is preserved from the originator of the dataset.
Description: This shapefile was created for the South Platte Decision Support System (SPDSS) to help characterize the groundwater resources of the Denver Basin. It was modified for SB06-193 to combine all Denver basin bedrock aquifer extents, and is further divided into subregions.This dataset was provided in this format within the Colorado Geological Survey publication ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas. The Colorado Geological Survey did not create this dataset. The dataset has been modified at most by renaming, projecting and/or clipping the data to match other data provided in this product. Metadata is preserved from the originator of the dataset.
Description: This shapefile was created for the South Platte Decision Support System (SPDSS) to help characterize the groundwater resources of the Denver Basin. It was modified for SB06-193 to combine all Denver basin bedrock aquifer extents, and is further divided into subregions.This dataset was provided in this format within the Colorado Geological Survey publication ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas. The Colorado Geological Survey did not create this dataset. The dataset has been modified at most by renaming, projecting and/or clipping the data to match other data provided in this product. Metadata is preserved from the originator of the dataset.
Description: This shapefile was created for SB06-193 to help characterize the groundwater resources of the Ogallala aquifer. The feature in this shapefile represents the extent of the Ogallala based on data obtained from Topper et al. 2003.This dataset was provided in this format within the Colorado Geological Survey publication ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas. The Colorado Geological Survey did not create this dataset. The dataset has been modified at most by renaming, projecting and/or clipping the data to match other data provided in this product. Metadata is preserved from the originator of the dataset.
Description: This shapefile was created for SB06-193 to help characterize the groundwater resources of the South Platte River basin. The feature in this shapefile represents the extent of the South Platte River alluvial subregions.This dataset was provided in this format within the Colorado Geological Survey publication ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas. The Colorado Geological Survey did not create this dataset. The dataset has been modified at most by renaming, projecting and/or clipping the data to match other data provided in this product. Metadata is preserved from the originator of the dataset.